Art, Education, Technology, focuses on harmonizing arts, technology and education
in order to promote creativity as a means for human and social development. ARETÉ
(the ancient Greek paradigm of unique excellence or skill of any sort) brings together
institutions with educational, artistic and cultural missions (such as Ministries and NGOs)
in the re-design and implementation of innovative environments and learning experiences
based on Media Lab digital technology and research. The goal is to empower people to improve
the quality of their personal and community learning, towards the improvement of human and community
development. ARETÉ is being developed in collaboration with our sponsor INCAE by initiative of
its collaborator, Mesoamérica Foundation.
Publishing Provides community members (senior citizens,
children, adolescents, teachers) with new easy-to-use digital tools
so that they can act as reporters, photographers, illustrators,
editors, and designers of online publications about their local
communities. These projects tap into the wisdom and strength of
community members, supporting new forms of grass-roots communication
and new models for media coverage.
Clubhouses The Media Lab helped establish a network of
after-school centers, called Computer Clubhouses, where youth from
underserved communities learn to design, create, and invent with
new technologies. In 1997, the Computer Clubhouse project won the
prestigious Peter Drucker Award for Nonprofit Innovation. Intel
has provided funds to open 100 new Computer Clubhouses in the US
and around the world.
Education for Peace (E4P)
Aims to reverse trends of violence and conflict in Colombia through
massive application of high-tech inventions combined with the adoption
of new ideas about learning. E4P initiatives engage people living
in areas of conflict in doing peace by breaking radically
from prevailing assumptions about who can learn, what they can learn,
and how they can learn. The E4P project is being developed in collaboration
with the 2B1 Foundation.
Nets The Media Laboratory has developed a strong program
in the creation of health technology, enabling people to take more
control of their own health care, especially in preventing illness
before it occurs. The Digital Nations consortium provides members
with technical designs and expertise, health-systems design expertise,
and aid in the creation of state-of-the-art health systems.
Hubs The Media Lab has established a worldwide network
of organizations committed to deep change in learning and education.
These Learning Hub sites serve as working models of out-of-the-box
learning, based on ideas developed by Media Lab Professor Seymour
Papert over the past 30 years. At each site, Media Lab researchers
work closely with local learning activists who develop,
research, and help others appropriate successful models of learning.
Learning Independence Network
Facilitates a true transfer of technology by enabling
people and organizations in the developing world to design and create
their own technological tools and solutions to community challenges,
fostering a greater sense of independence and self-sufficiency.
An initial Learning Independence Network has been established in
Costa Rica.
Lincos: Little Intelligent
Communities The Media Lab has joined with the Foundation
for Sustainable Development (founded by former Costa Rican President
Jose Maria Figueres) to create economically-sustainable community
technology centers, known as Little Intelligent Communities (or
Lincos), that provide health care, learning technology, government
services, banking, soil and environmental testing, and entertainment
on one site. In 2000, Lincos was awarded the Alcatel III Award for
Technology Innovation.
Network The Media Lab is collaborating with museums around
the world in an effort to integrate science, art, and engineering
in new types of playful learning experiences. As part of the PIE
(Playful Invention and Exploration) Network, museums are developing
new hands-on activities and programs based on technologies and educational
research from the Media Lab, enabling museum visitors to play, invent,
and explore with new digital technologies.